Num­ber of res­i­dents cov­ered by a gen­eral prac­ti­tioner or gen­eral spe­cial­ist

This indicator for density of medical care provision measures the average number of residents that a general practitioner or general specialist looks after in a county.

It is a benchmark for the quality of medical care provision.

General specialists include eye specialists, surgeons, gynaecologists, skin specialists, ear, nose and throat specialists, neurologists, orthopaedic doctors, psychotherapists, urologists and paediatricians. Internists, such as cardiologists or gastroenterologists, do not belong to the group of general specialists and are therefore not displayed in the chart.

In counties, smaller towns that do not belong to a district with populations of less than 100,000 are merged with the surrounding districts. The data is based on information from the German Physician’s Registry (Bundesarztregister) that records all doctors and psychotherapists in Germany who work in the statutory health insurance scheme. This data is also the basis for needs planning in the healthcare system aiming at a balanced provision of general practitioners and specialists.

Number of persons per county looked after by one GP 2010 and 2018
Travel time by car to the nearest GP within a county 2018
Number of persons per county looked after by one general specialist 2018
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